At a time when teenagers are starting to think about moving global, let’s help them not forget about the local.
Secondary school students are at a crucial time in their personal development – potentially leaving their homes for the first time, making decisions for their future and forming opinions around their place and community. Burrenbeo Trust can offer programmes aimed at engaging secondary school students with the potential and some of the issues surrounding their local place, as well as providing them with new ideas and interests for studying built, natural and cultural heritage and community.
The 10 week Áitbheo course is aimed at Transition Year groups and will increase the student’s sense of place and knowledge of their place.
Burren Fieldtrips and Workshops
The Burren is a fascinating place for students to discover – whether to consider the built, natural and cultural heritage or the community, economy and conservation – and a Burren Fieldtrip or Workshop is the perfect place to learn.
Young Burren Leader Bursary
In 2015 Burrenbeo launched the Young Burren Leader Bursary to commemorate and honour the Trust’s co-founder and patron, Ann O’Connor Dunford who sadly passed away in January 2015. The Young Burren Ambassador bursary is a prestigious award and is designed to encourage youth engagement with the Burren landscape, through exploring themes of environment, heritage and conservation.
Learn more about our placed-based learning & education programme for:
Young children Universities Adult groups Groups with disabilities