Frequently Asked Questions:
What type of organisation are you?
Burrenbeo Trust is an independent landscape membership charity. This means that we are non-governmental, with a growing community of members that sign up to our vision of conserving the Burren, by helping us all find our role within this, and sharing what we have learned to encourage other communities to do the same. Our work programmes are split into education, information provision, active conservation, research and advocacy to achieve our objectives. For more information on who we are and how we operate.
Why do you call yourselves a Trust?
Burrenbeo Trust was set up so the community could come together under this organisation to make positive change and support the heritage of the Burren region. It is called a trust because we are all entrusted to look after the landscape. It was set up originally with a very small bit of financial support from the local community and tries to remain a float by whatever means possible. We are not a financial trust fund.
Do you get any government funding?
No, the Burrenbeo Trust does not receive guaranteed regular core funding from any statutory body. We apply for grants that are released from different government bodies and compete with other applicants for the funds so are not guaranteed to receive any of these. The Heritage Council have been the only statutory body that have consistently supported the organisation since its inception through its grant application system but this is not guaranteed and only part funds the necessary core amount needed each year. For more information on how we fund ourselves.
What do I get if I become a member?
As a member of the Burrenbeo Trust you will be part of an active community working together for the future of our heritage and landscapes through the 26 different programmes we operate. In return you will receive access to high quality information about the Burren and access to a number of members-only benefits and experiences including: a welcome pack with our most recent publications; a monthly e-newsletter with details of local events and activities; free attendance at our monthly heritage walks and winter tea talks; a discount to many of the events we organise; the opportunity to meet like-minded people; and the knowledge that you are making a meaningful contribution to heritage and landscape conservation. There are many different types of membership; an individual, as a couple, a family or schools membership. Note family members includes children only up to the age of 18. For more information on becoming a member.
How can my company or business contribute?
Burrenbeo Trust welcome any support from both Burren businesses and those further afield both nationally and internationally. We have a number of different options depending on your the level of support you are able to give. The Burrenbeo Business Friends are a group of mainly local businesses that join annually to give something back to the Burren whilst receiving specific benefits as a business member. More information on Burrenbeo Business Friends. Alternatively we have the Corporate Benefactor option whereby your company can donate over the €250 tax band threshold towards a specific programme. More information on Corporate Benefactors.
Are the monthly walks and winter talks free?
The monthly walks and winter talks are free for members. If you are a member you can come to as many as you wish over the year. For non-members, there is a suggested donation of €5 each time they wish to attend a winter tea talk. The monthly walks are for members only. You do not have to book the regular monthly walks or talks. For more information on our upcoming walks and talks.
How can my school get involved?
Burrenbeo Trust offers a number of different options to schools that are in the Burren or wish to visit the Burren. These range from a 9 week course in the school, to a one-off fieldtrip, or a one-off visit to the school. All of these are based around fun and interactive activities to increase the knowledge of the students about their local place or the Burren – depending on the venue. For more information on our learning programmes. Alternatively your school can become a member of the Burrenbeo Trust with specific school benefit. For more information on our school membership package.
Can I be involved but not be a member?
Burrenbeo Trust is an inclusive community-led charity. We appreciate any contribution to the organisation that you are able to give. You can attend more or less any of our events but without the membership benefits. Another opportunity is to join our conservation volunteer group which is free. This group meet between 1-2 times a month and carry out conservation work in the area. For more information on becoming conservation volunteer.
How do you decide on your work programme?
The Burrenbeo Trust has a group of core staff, and a voluntary Executive Committee and Board of Directors. Every three years, we put together a proposed strategic plan for the organisation based on the mission and objectives. This is then broken down into an annual action plan. These plans are developed by the staff and Executive Committee and then passed by the Board of Directors to ensure they comply with the vision of the organisation. For more information on our work programme.
What are your highest impact programmes?
Our programmes are split between education, information provision, active conservation, research and advocacy. It is hard to identify which has the highest impact as they are very much intertwined and support each other to increase their impact. However, the organisation is becoming most recognised for its free work in local schools in both building up place-stewards and training others to do the same, our educational walks and talks on local heritage, our group of active conservation volunteers that carry out a vast range of projects throughout the region, and our advocacy work around showcasing the important work that farmers are doing in conserving the landscape and producing biodiversity. For more information on our work programme.
I want to replicate your work, where do I start?
Much of what Burrenbeo Trust does is replicable elsewhere. We are happy to share what we have learned along the way with you. We carry out a variety of training events to encourage people to carry out place-based learning in their communities such as our Learning Landscape Symposium in March and our 5-day heritage courses in the summer – both of which are a great way to kick-start some ideas around community-led conservation in your area. Or perhaps you would like to start with a series of heritage walks and talks about the local area. For more information on what you can do in your community.
There are close links between Burrenbeo Trust and the Burren Programme, how do you differ?
The Burrenbeo Trust is a non-government independent registered charity which is committed to connecting people and place both in the Burren and in the places where they live. We do this through our education, information, advocacy, conservation and other programmes. In a number of these areas we support the work of the local farming for conservation programme, The Burren Programme, through its education and conservation initiatives within the community. This is a collaborative partnership but both organisations are managed and financed independently.
What would your elevator pitch be?
The Burrenbeo Trust is an independent landscape charity which is committed to connecting people and place, and to help us all identify ways in which we can all care for these places. Our vision is a place of sustainable heritage with thriving and informed communities. We carry out our work through our education, information provision, active conservation, research, and advocacy. We share our experiences and models where possible with others so we can all learn off each other. We need support to carry our 25 plus programmes.