The Hare’s Corner Mini Woodlands/ Hedges
Dedicate an area of less than 0.1ha of species-poor, non-designated land for the creation of a native woodland or hedgerow habitat
We will support you by providing a mixture of native Irish trees including the endangered Burren Pine trees and companion broadleaved species, guidance and training.
What the landowner will need to commit
- A Suitable Site: less than 0.1ha size of eligible* land to accommodate trees.
- Willingness to plant and protect the woodland habitat: A willingness to plant and, if necessary, fence the mini native woodland within one week of receiving the trees. (Tree distribution day is usually held in first half of December).
- Long term support: Your assurance that this site will be maintained for the next 3 years and that you will keep us posted on its progress.
- Signage Your agreement to erect a small, simple branded sign at the site (only applicable to a public site)
- Data: To your agreement that your anonymised data (location of your trees and images) will be used by The Hare’s Corner project for its communications and reporting purposes.
What The Hare’s Corner team will commit to
- Organising the necessary training and guidance. A training webinar and Q&A session is held few weeks before the tree distribution day (usually November).
- Supplying native trees including Burren pine saplings and saplings of various native trees of Irish provenance.
- Providing ‘The Hare’s Corner’ branded signage for your site if applicable.
- An eligible site for creating a new woodland would be species-poor, non-designated site so that there is no overall biodiversity loss and/or impact on any pre-existing heritage value of the place. Farmers who are ACRES or NPWS Farm Plan Scheme participants are currently not eligible to apply as we want to avoid double funding.
Helpful resources
- Woodland planting – an online information session with licensed forestry professional and tree nursery manager Bernard Carey.