Local businesses – Become a Business Friend
As a Burrenbeo Business Friend you can be part an active community working together for the future of our heritage and landscapes and at the same time get more opportunities for your business.
Your Business Friend membership will help us:
- conserve one of the world’s most unique and significant landscapes, the Burren;
- ensure that the Burren’s community old and young are informed and engaged about this unique landscape and its care;
- ensure that landscape is utilized sustainably for communities – local and visiting;
- spread the model of place-based learning and community stewardship to inform pride amongst communities throughout Ireland as a means of encouraging sustainable conservation;
- actively work together for the best future for heritage and landscape nationally.
For more information on our 25 plus programmes view here
As a Business Friend you’ll enjoy:
- Your company logo on the 3 Burrenbeo Trust managed websites (here, Burren in Bloom and Burren Winterage Weekend)
- Your company logo and website link on monthly e-newsletters
- Inclusion of any events or news on our monthly e-newsletters
- Your business will be mentioned where possible as our supporter
- The opportunity to have your own event included as part of the Burren in Bloom Festival and Burren Winterage Weekend *
- Joining Members events (up to 2 tickets per event (Friend), 4 (Silver), 6 (Gold), limited to availability)
* Only applies to Gold Business Friends
Membership prices
Any donation on top of the general membership is gratefully appreciated in support of all Burrenbeo Trust programmes.
Become a Burrenbeo Business Friend for as little as €15 a month
Imagine a world where people are engaged with their environments and they are actively engaged in safeguarding these; you can help make that happen.
I know I am giving back to the region by supporting Burrenbeo Trust.
Sadie Chowen, Burren Perfumery Founder and a Burrenbeo Business Friend
Burrenbeo Trust has further options to increase the scale of support. If you wish to support specific programmes and want more information on becoming a Burrenbeo Benefactor see here.
Please see list of businesses below who are currently members of Burrenbeo Trust.
Support the businesses that support us.
Gold Business Friend | |
Abbey Ireland and UK | abbey.ie |
Burren Geopark | www.burrengeopark.ie |
Burren Perfumery | www.burrenperfumery.com |
Gregans Castle Hotel | www.gregans.ie |
Lahinch Family Medical Centre, Dr John Duncan | NA |
OBI Wealth Management Ltd | http://www.obiwealth.ie/ |
Silver Business Friend | |
Minihane's of Gort Supervalu | Gort Supervalu |
Siar Cafe | |
Business Friend | |
Airmid Natural Irish Skincare | https://www.airmidsoap.com/ |
Ballyvaughan Fanore walking club | http://www.ballyvaughanfanorewalkingclub.com/ |
Burren College of Art | www.burrencollege.ie |
Burren Court Holiday Homes | https://burrencourt.com/ |
Burren Vets | burrenvets.ie |
Burren Yoga Retreats | www.burrenyoga.com |
Caherconnell Stone Fort | caherconnell.com |
Coole Park Tearooms | Coole Park Tearooms Facebook page |
Doolin Ferry | https://doolinferry.com/ |
Fiddle and Bow Collection Hotel | https://www.fiddleandbow.ie/ |
Fitzpatricks Supervalu Ennistymon | Facebook page |
Gaia Talent | https://gaiatalent.com/ |
Green's Bar | https://www.greensofkinvara.com/ |
Hanne T. Fisker Photography & Hanne's Cottage | www.htfisker.com http://www.hannescottage.com/ |
Hylands Burren Hotel, Ballyvaughan | https://www.hylandsburren.com/ |
Irishtshirts.ie | irishtshirts.ie |
Kinvara Guesthouse | kinvaraguesthouse.ie |
MK Burren Photography | Facebook page |
Moher Cottage | Moher Cottage |
Mount Vernon | www.mountvernon.ie |
Ocean's Edge B&B | Website link |
Leave No Trace Ireland | Website link |
Private Tours Ireland | www.privatetoursireland.com |
Slieve Elva B&B | https://slieveelva.com/ |
Station House Bed and Breakfast | Website link |
St. Tola Irish Goats Cheese | http://www.st-tola.ie/ |
The Burren Centre | www.theburrencentre.ie |
The Tourism Space | The Tourism Space |
Wild Honey Inn | www.wildhoneyinn.com |