Does your school or community group want to become Heritage Keepers?
We are closed for Expressions of Interest for the 2023 Heritage Keepers Programme for school and adult groups. Click here to fill out a short form to be notified about future calls.
Heritage Keepers 2023
We are currently working with 40 groups from all over Ireland. After completion of a 5 module programme groups will carry out an action. Click on the link below to access resources that may be of help to you.
Heritage Keepers resources for participants
Heritage Keepers is a free programme for schools, youth groups or communities that will enable them to explore the built, natural, and cultural heritage of their local place and then plan an action or actions to enhance their place. In-person, online and blended learning options are available. Last year (in 2021 -22) 20 schools and communities took part in the programme, with most going on to complete a local project or actions. These funded actions included pond building, local heritage trails, signage for biodiversity, oral history projects and local heritage booklets.
I feel the very act of focusing in on our local space, through the different heritage lenses, just that close looking and discussion awoke or deepened in many of the children their sense of belonging in their communities, their sense of pride in their place and ultimately a sense of agency in regard to it. – Teacher
Heritage Keepers has reinvigorated my resolve to do more to educate, lead and take part in projects in my community. – Community member
The expanded Heritage Keepers programme is now looking for ‘Expressions of Interest’ from schools, youth groups and community groups who wish to take part in the five 2-hour workshops in Spring 2023.
Have fun, learn something new, make a difference – become a Heritage Keeper!
How do I get involved? Follow these 3 simple steps:
- Discuss with your community group and decide if you want to take part.
- Submit your Expression of Interest form before Wednesday 22nd Feb 2023.
- We will be in touch with shortlisted applicants.
Information webinars
The following is a recording of an information session held on Tuesday the 15th Nov 2022 for those interested in participating in Heritage Keepers.
Submit your Expression of Interest
Whether you are a primary school, a community group or a youth group interested in participating in this training, we invite you to fill out the Expression of Interest form below. Deadline for submission of forms is 30th Nov 2022.
Am I guaranteed a place on the HK programme if I send an Expression of Interest?
Unfortunately we are limited by capacity so we will not be able to deliver the programme to everyone that expresses interest. As long as you meet the basic criteria your school or group will be eligible and random selection will then take place to choose the participants. We are hoping that the programme will be made more widely available year on year.
I’m an individual, can I take part in HK?
In this instance we are working only with primary schools, community groups and youth groups. Perhaps you could try and get a local community group involved and take part with them?
How much does it cost?
There are absolutely no costs for participation in HK. If there are costs associated with actions which participants wish to take there may be funds available for this.
When will the programme begin?
We will begin delivery early in 2023.
What link is there to curriculum?
Place-based learning is not an additional element to the existing curriculum, rather it is a method of delivering the curriculum.
For primary schools, the activities and skills in HK very clearly address elements of the SESE and SPHE curricula as well as having potential application to the Arts Education and Primary Language curricula. A research project conducted by Burrenbeo Trust outlined the strands and strand units which can follow a place-based approach, more details are available on this document.
Heritage Keepers also has the potential to address many of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly 3: Good Health and Well-being, 4: Quality Education, 11: Sustainable cities and communities, 12: Responsible consumption and production, 13: Climate action, 14: Life below water, 15: Life on land and 17: Partnerships for the goals.
What is expected of my group / class if we take part in HK?
If selected to participate you will be expected to;
- Commit to engaging in the workshops (5 x 2hour sessions)
- Research, plan and complete a local action project
- Look to create links with others within your community
- Complete pre and post HK feedback
What topics will the HK programme cover?
There are 5 modules in the HK programme through which participants will begin to explore the built, natural and cultural heritage of their area. Activities and resource sharing will provide a start point for discovering the many aspects of your local place and to identify meaningful local actions which could enhance these places for all.
The 5 modules are;
- Introduction and My Place – this module will introduce participants to the HK approach. We will begin to consider the layers of your place, what you like or dislike about your place and the local assets which exist.
- Culture and the past – using a variety of online resources we investigate what life was like in our place in the past. We learn about the legacy left by our ancestors; the stories and folklore, monuments and buildings.
- Biodiversity and land use – the natural heritage which surrounds us all is the topic of module three. We look to identify the changes in land use and our local environments and think about what we can do to protect biodiversity locally.
- The Future – having considered our places as they currently are, we look to the future and how we would like it to be. Initial ideas for action plans are discussed and a framework for moving them forward will be shared.
- Planning for action – having taken a two week back, we look to finalise local action plans as well as discussing how to engage the wider community and sharing some inspiration from actions already taken.
What happens after the workshops finish, is that it?
No – that’s just the start! Once the workshops have been completed groups will work on their local action plans. The HK team will provide ongoing support and mentoring while you are working on the projects. It is hoped that projects will be showcased nationally and that groups from around the country will be able to come together to share their experiences and celebrate their achievements collectively.
Is there any recognition for the actions taken?
There will be a national award programme to recognise the actions carried out around the country.
A bit more about Place-based Learning and Burrenbeo’s approach
The places where we live, work, socialise and play are a such big part of each one of us and our stories. We impact on these places and they impact us. But can we say that we really know our place and the many elements that make it unique?
Our places are made up of many layers – each place has its own unique history, geography, environment, culture and community which has shaped it over the years. Getting to know and experience the various aspects of our place and how they are interlinked can enhance our connection to that place, and the community that call it home.
Are there local monuments or historic places that we might learn more about or visit? How was our local landscape shaped – what are the significant land features or water bodies? What kinds of plants and animals share our place with us? Are there particular local customs and cultures and what is their origin?
The answers to all of these questions and much more are all part of what we call ‘place-based learning’ where communities can learn about their place, in their place, and for their place. Through a series of engaging and interactive activities we can learn together about our local heritage and environment and ultimately work together to carry out actions which can safeguard and enhance these unique elements of our place for the future.
Given the current urgency around the biodiversity crisis, climate change and community fragmentation, place-based learning is now more important than ever. We believe that local communities are the best stewards of their own places, with the proper support of course. Learning more about our places and their needs is the first step to building community stewardship, where communities and individuals feel empowered to take action locally to bring about real and meaningful change and action.
Supported by The Heritage Council and created by Burrenbeo Trust, who have decades of experience working with communities on place-based initiatives, the ‘Heritage Keepers’ programme is an opportunity for your community to learn more about your place and how you can work together to look after it, and each other.
Following a whole place, whole community approach, participants will be supported to explore and discover their local built, natural and cultural heritage. Working with school and community groups, the programme culminates in groups creating a PLACE plan to carry out a series of local actions which they will complete with support from Burrenbeo.
We hope you can be part of this wonderful journey of discovery!
For queries please contact [email protected]
Heritage Keepers is delivered in partnership with the Heritage Council
and also supported by Wolters Rundreisen